My Poetry

I started this blog so I could neatly archive my work. You should find my poetry very diverse. I would like to believe there is something here for almost everyone.

It was only recently that I became interested in poetry. I started taking care of my mother after she suffered a stroke and we began writing stories and poems together. It has been very therapeutic for us both.

This isn't a complete collection of my poetry, my first poems I self published under the moniker, A Pet Banana Production. The first self published book, "A Pet Banana" is a rhyme/story about colors and the second is a collection of poetry I created with my mother titled, "An Elephant is On My House." I hope you enjoy my writing and I would love a visit to my author page!

All content on this blog is copyright Othen Cummings. All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Evil Walker

The evil walker, walked in the woods,
in the woods he walked, walking all the time
he was taller than the crawler, who crawled in the holler,
he stepped over rivers and leaped over hills.

He was meaner and leaner, and a whole lot cleaner,
than the crawler in the holler, that was so much smaller
who crawled on his belly, and was a whole lotta smelly,
he slid under leaves and lived under rocks.

The evil walker, walked in the woods,
and he talked when he walked, and he stalked when he talked,
he looked for the crawler, which was so much smaller
so he could smoke him on the grill, and make him a meal,
cause the evil walker, walked in the woods
…and he was hungry as hell.
Copyright 2015 Othen Cummings

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